Installing Tailscale on Ubuntu

Installing Tailscale on Ubuntu

In today's increasingly interconnected world, remote access to private networks has become a necessity for many individuals and organizations. Traditional VPN solutions can be complex to set up and maintain, often requiring specialized knowledge and hardware. Fortunately, Tailscale offers a modern, easy-to-use solution that simplifies the process of securely connecting to remote networks. In this guide, we will explore how to install & set up Tailscale on Ubuntu to get us started with remote networking in no time.

To install Tailscale, we will need to access our server via SSH first. Once we are in we can add Tailscale's package signing key and repository by running the following command in Terminal:

curl -fsSL | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null

curl -fsSL | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list

From here we can run the next command to install Tailscale:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tailscale

Connect your machine to Tailscale with the following command & authenticate it by visiting the given link in the browser:

sudo tailscale up

You are now connected! You can find your Tailscale IPv4 address by running:

tailscale ip -4

After authentication & logging into the app available for download here we will be able to see Tailscale in our status bar where we can access it.

Enjoy your VPN zoners!